Should Wyoming Be The Next Big Gambling State?
Let's get this out of the way straight off:
Gambling already happens within Wyoming's borders.
Folks have to go to an Indian reservation to do it, and I know that is considered a separate and sovereign nation. But that reservation is in the middle of Wyoming. So, yes, gambling does happen within Wyoming's borders.
Gambling also happens on the edge of Wyoming's borders. Deadwood South Dakota is a prime example.
Folks in Wyoming illegally gamble. There has never been any stopping that.
Both online on the home computer and using apps to gamble, illegally according to Wyoming state law. There is no stopping it.
That's part of the reason the state finally allowed off-track betting and sports betting, and they plan to expand it.
Why not just legalize it and collect all that cash here at home?
Gambling has always been part of Wyoming and it is slowly expanding.
Let's not take this argument too far and just keep it on topic.
Since gambling has always been happening in the state, legal and otherwise, and since we have gone this far toward legalizing most forms of gambling, plus the casino at the Indian reservation, why not just go all in and collect the revenue?
When I talk about money going out of state I don't just mean tax money.
I personally know of many people who take regular trips to Vegas and drop loads of money on hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment.
So why not just keep that money here?
I'm just asking the question because there has always been a push to legalize gambling in Wyoming, and those pushing it are slowly winning.
Something to think about.
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