March has not been a kind month to drivers in Wyoming. There have been various studies released just this month that note the recklessness, rudeness, and overall bad driving of Wyoming citizens. And like going to the doctor for a second, third, or fourth opinion, once again, Wyoming drivers do not show up well on another list.
Just days after being labeled as having the most reckless drivers in America, then also being in the top five for the rudest drivers in the country, now we're near the top for having the worst drivers in America. Something tells me we're not too good at being on the road.
On Monday morning, after this weekend's record-breaking winter storm, I got a call from a Wyoming state trooper who wanted to, politely and professionally, scold the driver of a MINI Cooper who, according to the driver, just wanted to see if the road was open yet.
We all have our reasons for wanting to get where we're going as fast as we can. Sometimes we're running late, or we had something unexpected on the way that temporarily slowed us down. No matter what the reason, in Wyoming, when we're going somewhere, we're getting there fast...And we have the speeding tickets to prove it.
There have often been complaints about Cowboy State drivers, whether they're from here, transplants or folks that just don't know how to drive during our winter conditions.