The suit accuses former Cheyenne Mayor Marian Orr of repeated incidents of abusive treatment and says Orr and her Chief of Staff, Eric Fountain, made her feel bullied and intimidated.
Mayor Orr said that if the city council wants to mandate a police presence at Frontier Days, they need to figure out how to pay for it, adding that may entail laying off city employees.
She also suggested an event tax of $.50 to $1.00 on concert tickets might help to pay for the police officer presence that is needed to safeguard the public.
Johnson says Mayor Marian Orr has been responsible, for a long line of scandals and bad decisions, but since there is no provision for impeaching a mayor in the city, nothing can be done
Case said that normally the city council must sign off on expenditures of over $35,000 but that there is an exemption for emergency situations. He said he doesn't feel the potholes on Cheyenne streets right now meet that definition.