Teton Co’ Wyoming To Help DACA Immigrants With Housing
The Teton County Commissioners and the Jackson Town Council voted unanimously earlier this week to allow DACA recipients to be eligible to apply for affordable housing. The officials received a number of public comments and although there was positive feedback, a handful of the emails expressed concern. (Wyoming Public Media).
DACA, an acronym for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a policy the is supposed to protect around 800,000 young people — known as “DREAMers” — who entered the United States unlawfully as children. The DACA program will not grant them official legal status or a pathway to citizenship. But it does allow them to apply for a driver’s license, social security number, and work permit.
Kevin Byrn of Alta wrote, "There are so many legal U.S. citizen residents of Teton County in dire need of housing, such as sheriff's deputies who can't afford to live within Jackson proper. Please do not get our county mixed up within this illegal DACA mess and keep your focus on matters that only benefit the U.S. citizen taxpayers* of Teton County."
Commissioners and council members argued that Dreamers deserve the opportunity. Council member Arne Jorgensen said "They are exactly the type of person that we want in our community. They're hard-working, they're clear, they're articulate, they're people that are working in critical jobs."
OPINION: Things never work out they way they are planned when government gets involved with economic issues. Government usually creates the problem and when they try to fix it government makes it worse.
In this case providing help to any one group over another shows a type of favoritism to one side and a cold shoulder to another side. This will only build animosity in the community.
If Teton county and Jackson city governments wants to solve the problem of their high costs of living running off their workers the best thing for them to do is get out of the way and let the market figure it out.
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