The Cutest Darn Puppies Auctioned At Wyoming Charity Event
I'll just come right out and say, right upfront, that this is not fair.
This week's Thankful Thursday event in Cheyenne Wyoming was in support of Magic City Enterprises! Magic City’s programs are designed to help individuals with special needs live successfully in the community and at home by supporting, building, and retaining their skills.
Just before action time, a group of ladies entered the room carrying PUPPIES!
This is where it becomes NOT FAIR!
They hold these puppies in front of people. Who can't resist but to pet them. Then they get licked. In no time they are asking to hold the cute little thing.
These puppies need good homes, and Magic City is trying to raise money.
So the point is to get people to the point that they just can't resist anymore.
That doesn't take long.
I mean COME ON! How do you say no?
There was a party going on and the place was noisy.
That had these little guys confused.
But that just makes them all the more clingy. They want to hold on to someone and they want HUGS!
Again - NOT FAIR!
Sorry for the blurry photos. It was actually hard to get these guys to hold still so I could get a good picture. With all the noise they were looking around a lot.
Magic City Enterprises also helps people develop and refine new skills in employment, personal interaction, community awareness, social well-being, and community living. Although services have changed over the years, our philosophies and beliefs are still firmly based on direct services to the individual.
MCE realizes that each person/family has unique desires and needs that must be met. It is for that reason that MCE strives to be creative, flexible, and progressive in maintaining and creating new services.
Adult Day Services
Child Habilitation Services
Community Living Services
Community Support Services
Companion Services
Homemaker Services
Individual Habilitation Training
Personal Care Services
Supported Employment Services