The Fastest Shrinking Town In Wyoming Is…
The story from is titled The Fastest Shrinking Town In Every State. So naturally I scrolled right down to the bottom to see which Wyoming town they picked.
WORLAND grabbed the - um - honor?
As major cities in Wyoming grow larger, the smaller cities and towns are drastically shrinking. Worland is used to this kind of change. Since the 1960s, Worland has had a drastic population change, whether increasing or decreasing. The most recent change saw a loss of 7.5%, which accounts for over 400 residents. Considering the city’s trends, we may see an increase in 2030.
This might be true. I wonder how Gillette did after loosing so many people after the last coal mine bankruptcies. I'm not saying they are wrong but we get a much better picture after the next census it taken, which is not far off.
It is interesting that some states, like Texas, did not show any shrinking towns.
Then there are those states that are hemorrhaging population.
Corcoran, California, on the other hand, lost an estimated 12.6% of its population, dropping to 21,676. Maybe those taxes are a bit too much for the residents.
Niagara Falls, New York has struggled to remain a city in the past. The 2010 census showed that the city lost more than half its population since the 1950s. It’s getting even worse since 2018 estimates put the population at 48,144, which is another 4.1% loss