The Wyoming Winter Storm Checklist [HUMOR]
Here comes the next big Wyoming winter storm! We all know the drill, so let's get ready.
But how many times do we call it good, and hunker down for the a day or two of blowing snow and arctic temps - only to realize we forgot a thing or two? Then we have to try and figure out what stores might be open, and how to get to them, CAN we get to them, etc.
Well maybe it is about time to write a checklist to help everyone out.
Let's begin.
1). Snacks.
2). Cable or satellite paid up? We are going to need something to watch. (don't forget to dust off the old DVD player just in case those services go down)
3). Should we write beer at this point or did we assume that when we wrote down snacks?
Okay this isn't working. Let me itemize and see if that works..
1). Cable or satellite paid up? We are going to need something to watch. Don't forget to dust off the old DVD player just in case those services go down.
2). Plenty of breakfast, lunch and dinner items that we will call, "real food."
NOTE: Having the phone number/app of fast food delivery is neither shopping nor cooking. Plus, they might not be able to deliver in the height of the storm.
3). Crunchy snack foods (gotta love some Gardetto's)
4). Chewy snack foods (if you're feeling fancy, pick up some meats and cheeses and feel like royalty while you munch away inside, watching The Crown)
5). Salty snack foods (Gardetto's...)
6). Sweet snack foods (honestly anything else)
7). Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soda
8). Adult beverages of various types in high quantity
Do marshmallows fall under the snack food list or the drink list - since I'm assuming we're putting them in the hot chocolate? That's a tough one. Better just make sure they are on the list and leave it at that.
Well - that sounds like all modern humans need to survive a Wyoming winter weather event.
Let's call this good and start organizing the TV playlist - you know that's going to take some time.
One last thing before you go to the store. Don't forget this list. You know you are going to.