It's supposed to be a big deal that this ball drops on New Year's even in New York City.

We do it a little differently out here in Wyoming.

Over in the town of Kaycee, the family waits until Aunt Freda has had one last sip of her special New Year's Tea. When she slumps out of her rocker and hits the floor, it's officially the new year.

Way up in Cody Wyoming Fred has fed his horses something he should not have. About midnight or so that stall suddenly needs to be shoveled out of the worst-smelling manure to ever stink a barn. The kids are awakened for the chore. That's their welcome into the new year.

About the middle of the state is Worland Wyoming where everybody steps outside the fire their guns into the air. The loudest gun wins. It's time to go to bed when the last man runs out of ammo.

two young guys at the disco

Over in Jeffery City Wyoming, population 34, maybe, everyone waits for Cletus to head out to the barn to kiss his goat goodnight. That only happens at midnight.

Down in Green River, everyone in town keeps their windows open so they can hear the Fairlanes fighting. They usually get tired of arguing and fall asleep at about midnight. That's close enough to celebrate, but quietly. If anyone wakes them they will start arguing again.

So you can have your big pretty ball, New York City. We have our own ways of doing it here out West and we like it just fine.

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