Things Wyomingites Say Wrong
No matter where you are in America you will hear funny phrases and words you've never heard anywhere else.
There is no place that isn't guilty of bad grammar.
Here are a few of the worst from WYOMING!
Your Guys's - Get rid of the Guys's and just say "YOUR." This is as bad as when Southerners say "Ya'lls-is."
I Could Care Less - Saying it that way means that you DO care. What you meant to say was "I couldn't care less."
Hot Water Heater - Why are you heating hot water? It's just a "water heater."
Where are you at? - Drop the extra word. It's just "where are you?"
I need to return it back - Again, drop the extra word. You just need to return it.
Irregardless - This one has two extra letters on it. There is no history on where the two extra letters came from but people use them all the time. The word is "REGARDLESS."
ATM Machine - ATM stands for Automated Teller Machine. So, you just said "Automated Teller Machine Machine." Just say ATM.
Pin Number - In this case the word "pin" is a word that means number. So you just said "number number."
Don't feel bad everybody does it.
Go to California, Vermont, or any Southern state that has a heavy draw. You'll hear some weird phrases.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people say they are filming something or video-taping it or taping it.
But they are using their cell phone, which is a digital device.
No tape or film is used.
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