Torrington Dismisses Another Chief, Can’t Keep Position Filled
Looking for a top job in law enforcement? The city of Torrington is once again looking for a police chief, according to the Star Herald.
Mayor Randy Adams did not re-appoint Chief Tim Hurd, who took the job back in July 2018. The mayor said that there were plans to continue with Mr. Hurd, but then allegations were brought to his attention.
The mayor would not not discuss the accusations, citing personnel and confidentiality reasons.
Assistant chief Mike Matthews agreed to serve as interim chief but there is currently no idea on how long he might stay. Matthews held the position, temporarily, once before.
Back in 2015 Eric Sharp was named chief after Billy Janes retired. Janes had been chief for 30 years.
The city will mostly likely look internally for their next chief. Hiring someone from outside the area would be a last resort. But, one never knows. You might want to turn in that application, just in case.