Video Shows Yellowstone’s Junction Butte Wolf Pack is Growing
There is now video proof that the largest wolf pack in Yellowstone National Park is getting even bigger. They also theorize why this is occurring and the possibilities are interesting.
Jackson Hole Eco Tour Adventures just shared this brand new video where they observed the Junction Butte wolf pack in the northern part of the park they now dominate.
During a multi-day trip, they saw that many of the Junction Butte females have now had pups...more than usual. Their theory has to do with a couple of possibilities.
1. Now that the elk population is now down from its record numbers, the wolves are preying on bison which are harder to take down with only a few wolves. More wolves means more bison can become a food source for the wolves.
2. Is it possible that the pack is adjusting to the wolves that were killed by hunters north of Yellowstone last fall?
It's worth noting that the professional groups don't get too close to the wildlife. This video was obviously captured with mega-zoom lenses which is the only safe way to capture natural moments of these wolves without interrupting their habitat.
The fact that the large Junction Butte pack now has so many new pups means the biggest is getting even bigger.