Videographer Turns Wyoming Skies Into Spellbinding Time-Lapse
We know our Wyoming skies can be pretty spectacular, but it's likely you've never seen them quite like this. A videographer turned our skies into a really stunning time-lapse that you need to see.
Randy Halverson just shared this video on Vimeo. It's a compilation of night skies in Wyoming and also the Dakotas and it's a real looker.
Here's a little bit about how Randy described his project:
This is a short trailer of the 30+ minutes of timelapse I shot in 2020 at locations in South Dakota, Wyoming and Arizona. It was shot with Nikon D850 cameras in still mode and rendered at 8K resolution.
He also mentioned that his work has been featured on DirectTV's 4K channel. I can understand why.
If you'd like to check out more of Randy's work, you can follow him on Vimeo or his official Facebook page.