Watch Tour Of Haunted Cellar Under Wyoming Bar [VIDEO]
You may have seen the story by Rick Roddam of The Bitches Bar in Lingle Wyoming. The story goes, that the place was once a morgue and they kept bodies in the cellar.. That leads us to the video at the bottom of the page where I was given a tour of the cellar by the owner.
But first, a little back story to set it up:
I read Rick's post on air and was soon getting calls from folks telling me that I needed to go visit and try their food. Also, as several listeners suggested, see the bathrooms.
With all the reaction I got on air and the folks that messaged me on the app I figured I had no choice but to drive out to Lingle and have a look.
First, let me say that the ladies of the bar are delightful. They have a tough and raunchy sense of humor. You'll love them, if you are into that sort of thing. If you are not, I'd suggest not visiting - and stay out of those bathrooms.
So is the cellar haunted? You be the judge, and let us know.