A Douglas Trooper was dispatched to a suicidal subject on I-25 early last week, according to a written statement from the Wyoming Highway Patrol.

The trooper found the man in a parking area near Douglas.

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The Wyoming Highway Patrol said the man needed medical assistance and was still armed with a knife when the trooper arrived on scene.

The trooper used training and experience to speak with man and persuade him to put the knife down. Then the trooper applied a tourniquet to the person's arm to stop the bleeding.

While this was going on, the trooper requested emergency medical care for the bleeding man, which was sent from Converse County.

Suicide is the leading cause of preventable death in Wyoming, according to the Wyoming Department of Health.

The Wyoming suicide rate is consistently higher than the United States.

Wyoming Department of Health
Wyoming Department of Health


  • 988 National Suicide and Crisis Hotline - 24 hours from your cell phone.
  • 1-800-273-TALK (8255) - Twenty-four hours from any phone.
  • Text "START" to 741-741
  • crisistextline.org

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Every year, more and more Casper residents join the Hunt. Sponsors and vendors and the general public all come together at the Festival of Hope to mourn, to grieve, and to fight.

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