Study Finds Stricter State Gun Laws Do Not Reduce Murder/Suicide Rates
A recent study came out claiming that states with tougher gun control showed lower levels of murder and suicide.
But they missed a critical phrasing in their report.
Those states had less suicide and murder BY GUN!
But their murder and suicide rate was NOT lower overall.
In fact, in many cases, it was higher.
A study by Harvard took a look at firearm ownership, gun laws, and violent crime, and suicide rates around the world.
They found that more guns do not equate to more deaths and fewer guns do not equate to fewer deaths.
That's not surprising when you realize that someone who wants to kill, themselves or other people, will find a way to do it no matter if they have a gun or not.
The study shows that the rate of murder and suicide has nothing to do with it someone has access to a gun or not.
They looked at gun ownership in the U.S., Norway, Finland, Germany, France, and Denmark. The high murder rate in the U.S. is the exception, not the rule when comparing homicide rates to gun ownership rates.
In Luxembourg, for example, guns are banned. But the country’s murder rate is nine times that of Germany’s, despite Germany having gun ownership rates 30,000 times higher than Luxembourg.
Let's look at the U.S. and the old Soviet Union. The USSR took everybody's guns away. But by the 1990s the USSR had the highest murder and suicide rate in the world.
Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania along with countries in Europe showed the same results.
“Homicide results suggest that where guns are scarce other weapons are substituted in killings,” said the studies authors.
The study concludes that “where firearms are most dense violent crime rates are lowest, and where guns are least dense violent crime rates are highest.”
England banned most guns. Then the murder rate went UP! It was murder by knife at that point. People had just switched tools.
When guns aren’t available for killing people, criminals just find another tool, according to a Harvard Study.
When guns aren’t available for suicide, people just find another tool, according to a Harvard Study.
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