After a while, even a strong tree has had ENOUGH and just says SCREW IT!

A Wyoming tree in Casper, behind the loaf and jug on 2nd Street at the U-Haul place that used to be Kmart near Natural Grocers, has decided to give up and fall over.

Can you blame it?

How long could you stand up to the Wyoming wind before you just give up and lie down?

Thanks to Nicholas Wales of Casper for sending me this picture.

Nicholas Wales Casper Wyoming Tree falls in wind
Nicholas Wales Casper Wyoming Tree falls in wind

Even if you've lived in Wyoming for just one year, you know the drill by now.

It's windy here!


This is one of two fronts making its way through Central Wyoming.

Temperature changes come with wind.

Fighting against the wind

When the wind calms down, the snow will step in.

This will not be a heavy snow event, but there will be some good coverage for some areas.

As always, it depends on where you are and what time of day.

If you're not getting anything, just wait. It's on its way.

Expect some rain and freezing rain on the plains.

Watch for icy roads on Thursday and Friday.

car on winter road in the morning

Clouds and snow in the western parts of the state Wednesday through the weekend.

This weekend's weather changes the forecast to something different than what we will experience next week.

We will no longer be getting our weather from the Pacific.

Say goodbye to that mild weather we have had for the past week.

Canada takes over and the northern wind and cold come down on us.


But hold that thought.

We don't know a lot about how next week's forecast.

What we do know is that next week might turn out to be really really cold.

So the pattern changes are in motion.

But there is some confusion in the weather modeling as to how this plays out.

As we get closer to this weekend and next week we will provide more accurate details.

YMCA Outdoor Wall Art - Casper Wyoming

Unlock the stories in these paintings along the wall outside of the YMCA in Casper, Wyoming.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Hulett's Rogues Gallery Astounding Western History Collection

A gallery of fine art and found Western history

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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