Tuesday 08/20/24 is primary election day in Wyoming.

I hope you've taken the time to review your local ballot before you go vote.

When you read that ballot you'll notice some names you've never heard of.

Those are candidates who want to run for office. They dream of being in office, but they have no idea how to do the work.

You can try looking them up on the internet, but you probably won't find them. They have no idea how that new-fangled interweb thing operates, even though it's been around for a few decades.

They have no idea how social media works and they don't want to know.

Some of them don't even have yard signs to put out.

Yet, still, they want your vote.

They don't seem to understand that the internet and today's social media, on everyone's phones, are NOT the wave the for future. They are NOW!

This is how people communicate today, like it or not.

To those candidates, you need to know that if you're not using today's modern media then nobody knows you're running for office.

There was no point in you registering as a candidate.

As a candidate, if you have no idea how to build a website or use social media then get somebody to do it for you, or don't bother running.

Then again, why am I bothering to write this?

It's on the internet.

You'll never see it.

For the voters out there, when you come across these unknown names, if I can offer my advice, just skip them. It looks like they have no idea how anything works today, so why elect them?

Then we have the problem with those voters who show up on election day but have not bothered to do any homework.

Why are you here?

attachment-stay out the vote glenn woods

Every couple of years Americans line up to vote.

It is a right that was fought for and given to us by brave men and women from the founding of this nation to today.

Many who fought to give us that right paid the price by giving their lives. Some came home broken.

The right to vote should never be taken lightly.

We have entered the season of the 'Get Out The Vote' campaigns where everyone is encouraged to go vote.

But there is never the call that should come with it.

This is our call to be an informed voter

That is why every two years I get on the air with my 'Stay Out The Vote' campaign.

Before you even show up to the polls ask yourself:

Do you know who your mayor is? Who sits on your city council?

Can you name one of your senators? How many senators does your state have? That's basic civics every voter should know.

Can you name the issues that you'll be voting for?

There will be ballot initiatives and sometimes even suggested changes to your state constitution. Do you know about these things and have you researched them?

When you show up on election day that ballot they hand to you should not be a surprise. You should know everyone and everything about it.

You should have taken the time to research and consider the issues. You should have been asking questions.

Did you make the mistake of just looking at one news source? Did you hunt for alternative points of view on the issue or were you happy just living in your echo chamber?

If you're not willing to put the time in to become an informed voter then you are dishonoring those who volunteered and gave their very lives for that right to vote that you have.

If you are too lazy to stay informed then do your town, your state, and your nation a favor: stay home! 

If you ever wonder why Americans keep electing the same corrupt, idiot dirtbags and nutballs over and over again, it's because of the uninformed voter who guesses on that ballot that they are handed.

Low-information voters do more harm than good.

Wyoming Shelter Dogs Having Fun In The Snow

If you enjoy these pictures, please consider following the links above to give back to these organizations that help feed and shelter Wyoming animals, especially on snowy days like this: 

Road Trip Guide To Historic Wyoming Saloons & Bars

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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