Casper Family Driving to Kentucky to Help Tornado-Ravaged Community
When news channels began to air footage of the tornado-ravaged communities in Western Kentucky, Lyndsay LaPointe and her husband did what most of did - they shook their heads, mourned for the lives lost, and wished that they could do something to help.

But then, they decided to take it a step further. They decided to actually do something to help. So they put a plan together.
LaPointe's sister-in-law actually lives in Kentucky, right in the heart of the devastation. So the family decided to pack up their lives and offer any sort of support they could to the community that has been turned upside down, quite literally, because of multiple tornadoes.
"It started as a plea to help my sister," LaPointe stated. "We just wanted to go down and help her. And I started realizing that people wanted to help. So I thought since we were already going to go down, and since she is in a position that she specifically does not need a whole lo of help, I thought maybe we could do more for the community. And I know the communities here in Casper and Glenrock are very giving, very gracios. So I started to talk to a friend of mine about how we could involve the community."
LaPointe made a Facebook post detailing their planned trip. She also gave a list of the items that could really benefit the town they were going to, Dawson Springs, Kentucky.
"The Facebook post just kind of exploded," LaPointe stated.
The post itself asked for various donations that would benefit the community, including toiletries, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, baby bottles, baby formula, diapers, wipes, plastic totes, and more.
"We heard that 60% of the children in the school district in this town are now homeless," LaPointe stated. "They have lost everything, and they will have no Christmas. So Christmas gifts are great, but they are going to be inspected by the distribution center, so they can't be wrapped."
LaPointe and her family are embarking on the 20-hour drive to Kentucky on Sunday, December 19., so they are asking that any donations be dropped off by 2pm on Saturday, December 18th. Donations can be dropped off at Frosted Tops, LLC., located at 225 South David Street in Casper.
Donations can also be dropped off in Glenrock at 45 Arrow Road, by no later than 3pm on Saturday.
They are also accepting cash donations that they will distribute with the help of a relief agency. LaPointe said her husband will be working with a cleanup team while she and her children will be working in the church distribution center, sorting through donations and supporting the residents in any way they need.
That's the reason for their trip; to provide relief and support however they can. They're doing it because they care about their sister and her community. They're doing it because it's the right thing to do. They're doing it, in short, because it's Christmas.
"What Christmas represents to us is the birth of Christ and Him coming to earth as an act of love for us," LaPointe stated. "And I can see no better way to celebrate his birth than to show love to other people."
And the community agrees. Regardless of religious beliefs, Casper always finds a way to take care of their own...even from hundreds of miles away. The comments on the Facebook post feature multiple people offering ways to help and to donate. Because that's what Casper does.
"I am humbled by what we have seen," LaPointe said. "I've been in tears over the donations that have been pouring in. I never imagined that it would turn into as big of an ordeal as it has. So thank you, Casper. Thank you, Glenrock. Thank you all."
To find out how you can donate, visit the Facebook fundraiser page.
*Townsquare Media does not endorse nor solicit donations to this effort. All donations given are at solely the discretion of the donors.*
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