Sara is currently in 3rd place with just under two days left in her group finalist voting phase. Cast your free daily vote here to help support one of our own!

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One thing Casper is known for is supporting our own and right now we have the chance to help get Sara McCarthy on the cover of Muscle & Fitness Hers.

Sara had this to say about why she entered in this competition:

Fitness to me is more than my appearance, it is about my overall health. As a mom with 6 kids, I strive to be a positive example for them.

Fitness helps me clear my mind and slow things down, so I can conquer whatever comes my way. I am proud that I have been able to show my daughters what a strong and healthy woman looks like.

I have wanted to compete in this contest for years but it’s completely out of my comfort zone. My health and fitness has been very personal and private for me. Putting myself out there is scary but I have admired these strong women for so long and I finally just said screw it and signed up.

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This is the world's largest online fitness competition. This year's winner will take home the title of "Ms Health and Fitness", $20,000 cash, and the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS, which is read by more than 500,000 fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes each issue!

You can vote for free, once every 24 hours. At the time of this article, Sara is currently in 5th place, which puts here in the top 15 to advance to the next round. There are still six days left in this round of voting, so make sure to get your vote on everyday.

To cast your free daily vote and support one of Casper's own, click here.

You can also make a monetary donation for more votes, which goes to the "Homes for Wounded Warriors", whose mission is to provide financial assistance and support to our injured United States military veterans by building and remodeling handicap accessible homes.

We wish all the best of luck to Sara and hope to see her grace the cover Muscle and Fitness HERS soon!

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