As I was finishing my morning show I saw, on the WYDOT website the interstate highway systems were opening.

Thank you to all the workers who pushed themselves beyond overtime to get it done.

Just before the crossing guards were lifted lines of trucks, miles long, gathered to make their run.

As I showed with pictures in yesterdays post, the shelves at the grocery stores were running a bit thin.

Those trucks are now making their way into the state with everything Wyoming was running low on. Not out, but low. Those highways had been shut down for around 4 days.

Thanks to WYDOT and thanks to the truckers.

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Next, those trucks arrive where they are needed and the long process of unloading and restocking begins. That means more overtime for those who have been stuck at home waiting to get back to work. I'm sure as soon as they are done stocking the shelves shoppers will arrive and strip them clear again.

Let's not forget all that backup mail that needs to be delivered.

For those who were waiting to get home, you are certain to see long convoys of trucks melting what is left of the ice on the interstates. That's going to help the situation even more.

If I had time I'd go out and watch it myself.

As I looked at the photos of all of those trucks entering the highways I thought of an old movie and song from back when I was a kid. The video of that song is below.

Does anyone out there remember the song CONVOY?

Grocery Stores Running Low After Blizzard Closes Highways

Wyoming stores have not had a delivery in a couple of days.

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