NO INVESTIGATION: Wyoming Rep. Zwonitzer Keeps His Seat
Does Wyoming House Representative Zwonitzer live in the district that he represents? He has to according to Wyoming law.
But Rep. Zwonitzer has a house outside of his district. Should he be forced to resign? What exactly is going on here?
Some wanted to treat this as a major scandal. They called for an investigation. Changes are those calls will continue. But now those same people will have something to say about how the Wyoming house has handled the Zwonitzer situation.
The Wyoming House of Representatives rejected a motion to use a Special Investigative Committee to determine if Cheyenne Rep. Dan Zwonitzer lives in his House district.
The Wyoming House dropped the controversy after Rep' Zwonitzer pointed out one simple fact to them...
Representative Zwonitzer pointed out that he has two homes.
One is in his district one is not.
He travels back and forth between the two.
Sheridan Rep. Mark Jennings calls the investigation a good idea and he still wants it.
“You know if it was me, I would want for the truth to come out and I would hope that each of us would want the truth to come forward,” said Jennings. (Wyoming Public Media).
But those who were opposed to the investigation, like Cheyenne Rep. Bob Nicholas, think that all one has to do is look at the information Zwonitzer provided.
So a vote was taken.
Out of 60 Representatives, only 24 voted for the investigation.
As far as Mr. Zwonitzer is concerned, the matter had been addressed and is closed.
“I think maybe that’s been the most frustrating, that over the past two weeks a whole lot of people were sending emails and complaints and really not one of them just called me directly or emailed me to ask a question,” said Zwonitzer.(WPM).
For those who still want an investigation, the question will now need to be, which home does Mr. Zwonitzer use as his primary residents?
In other words, does he know what is going on in the district he represents because he spends most of this time there?
If they find that he is spending most of his time with the people he represents, there is no scandal.
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