It was announced today that the mask mandate on airplanes at airports, including Denver International Airport and Public Transportation, has been extended until April 18.

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TSA Extends Airport Mask Mandate

After two years, and things finally starting to feel normal again, one of the last "shoes to drop" is the mask mandate on airplanes and public transportation. The current mandate was set to expire next week, on March 18, but Denver 7 reports that the Transportation Security Administration has extended the current mandate, requiring all passengers on airplanes and public transportation, until April 18. The month extension was put in place as predicted by the union that represents many flight attendants for various airlines. The union stated that:

"Masks would help protect children younger than five — who currently are not eligible for vaccination and immunocompromised flight attendants."

While a lot of local mandates are starting to pull back, it has always been expected that the TSA directive on masks would run longer than most other mask mandates, based on the extremely tight areas that hundreds of people travel on together, which increases the risk of spreading the virus to others on board. Regardless of the "fresh air" that they're supposedly pumping through the various airplanes and buses, it's still a lot of people in an extremely close space.

If numbers continue to drop, there's certainly a chance we see the mandate lifted after this current mandate expires on April 18. In the meantime, mask up, or don't fly because the TSA rules are not negotiable as we've learned on some embarrassing social media stories over the last year.

Oh, Heck No: These 13 Types of Spiders Live in Colorado

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Abandoned Colorado House May Be Home to Disturbed Squatter

WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

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