Teen Dead After Pickup Spins Out, Rolls Off I-25 in CheyenneTeen Dead After Pickup Spins Out, Rolls Off I-25 in CheyenneA 13-year-old Nebraskan was killed Friday morning when the pickup they were riding in spun out on an icy bridge and rolled off Interstate 25 in Cheyenne.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Gary The Owl Poses For Highway CameraGary The Owl Poses For Highway CameraNow that these photos have been published on the internet this camera has become rather popular for online viewing.Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
Driver Killed After Rear-Ending Semi on I-80 in WyomingDriver Killed After Rear-Ending Semi on I-80 in WyomingA man is dead after rear-ending a semi on Interstate 80, the Wyoming Highway Patrol says.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Nebraska Police Shake Their Heads At Bullheaded DriverNebraska Police Shake Their Heads At Bullheaded DriverThe bulls name is Howdy Doody. NOT KIDDING!Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
Young Wyoming Man Found Dead on Sidewalk in NebraskaYoung Wyoming Man Found Dead on Sidewalk in NebraskaThe Scottsbluff Police Department is investigating after a 24-year-old Torrington man was found dead in Terrytown early Saturday morning.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
BNSF Engineers Frustrated With Rails Even as Others Get Sick TimeBNSF Engineers Frustrated With Rails Even as Others Get Sick TimeSeveral railroads have made deals this year to give some of their workers sick time.Associated PressAssociated Press
Abortion Bans Fail in Conservative South Carolina, NebraskaAbortion Bans Fail in Conservative South Carolina, NebraskaCheers erupted outside the legislative chamber in Nebraska on Thursday as the last vote was counted.Associated PressAssociated Press
Study Finds That Wyoming Is the Most Dangerous State for TruckersStudy Finds That Wyoming Is the Most Dangerous State for TruckersWyoming is the most dangerous state for truck drivers, according to a new study.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald
Brave Nebraska Cheerleader Competes Solo When Team Drops OutBrave Nebraska Cheerleader Competes Solo When Team Drops OutCompeting cheerleaders rally to support her.Glenn WoodsGlenn Woods
Brrr! Cheyenne Sees Coldest February 23rd in 129 YearsBrrr! Cheyenne Sees Coldest February 23rd in 129 YearsRumor has it that the National Weather Service in Cheyenne is still looking for the freezer door that was left open overnight.Joy GreenwaldJoy Greenwald