The Ultimate Guide To Surviving Wyoming Wildlife Encounters
No matter if you are new to states like Wyoming, perhaps just visiting, or have lived out West all of your life, it's important to know what to and what not to do should you come across a dangerous wild animal.
There is some good advice out there, and a lot of bad advice.
Here is some actual GOOD ADVICE!
Though, nothing works 100% when dealing with wild animals.
This safety campaign focuses on all animals, not just bears.
From the official Be Bear Aware Campaign, a national non-profit organization using information gathered from state wildlife agencies.
Even if you are not looking for trouble, you can turn a corner and find it.
Most wild animals are not looking for trouble either.
Yet, here you are.
In most cases, a wild animal is acting out because it is just as scared as you are.
Much of the advice you will see here is based on the phycology of the animal.
As for you, the human, rule #1, remain calm.
Did you see that part where you are not supposed to poke the snake with a stick?
Why do humans feel the urge to poke things with a stick?
Seriously, you can get your ass kicked by some little varmint.
It doesn't have to be something BIG to harm you.
You have no idea what a scared animal, of any size, is capable of.
Don't assume that just because it's cute it wants a hug.
We can't wrap this up without some helpful words from our old friend HANK PATTERSON!
His video on Surviving Yellowstone should be required viewing for any park visitor.