Watch The Joke Carson Told About Joe Biden
It was late at night, September 16th, 1987. Presidential Candidate Joe Biden was taking heat for plagiarizing his speeches.
Late night snows like The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and Late Night With David Letterman hire comics from all over the nation to write and send in stacks of jokes, each day, for the opening monologue that night. Most of the jokes are rejected in favor of the few that the host and producers think will work. On this night, the joke about Joe Biden's troubles made the cut.
Another controversy involving truthfulness from back in 1987, was when Biden said he marched during the civil rights movement. That also turn out not to be true. “I was not an activist,” Biden explained at a news conference at the time. “I was not out marching.”
Because of these issues, by the end of 1987 Biden was forced to drop out of the race.
This sort of scandal has always been around Joe Biden. Even before his political career he was called out for plagiarizing and lying.
The episode that Carson joked about, in the video above, was just one of the problems in Biden's three runs for president.
There was also the 1987 issue when he was asked about his law school record. Biden said that he “probably” had a “higher IQ” than the reporter. He then claimed he finished in the top half of his class. But the reporter dug into Biden's school record and found he was near the bottom of his law school graduating class at Syracuse University's College of Law, specifically 76 out of 85 students.
Over the years Biden has been caught lifting quotes from U.S. senator from Bobby Kennedy, John F. Kennedy and Neil Kinnock, a British Labour Party leader, without any attribution.
So has Biden learned his lesson? Maybe not.
Again in 2020 Biden claimed civil rights activism during the Democrat presidential primary. In fact he did it more than once.

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