The Winter Buffalo of Hot Springs County
At one point the bison in Wyoming were on the edge of extinction.
It was intentional.
The one way to drive the Indians out of states like Wyoming was to deprive them of their main source of food, clothing, shelter, and tools.
Much of that came from one source. The bison.
Now herds can be found across Wyoming and the other Western states. Some are privately owned and raised as cattle would be. Some are on preserves like this herd above the town of Thermopolis in Hot Springs Country Wyoming.
A Gallery Of High Planes Wyoming Winter Bison
Special thanks to Grandpa Rich of Thermopolis Wyoming for these photos.
Each morning Grandpa drives up to check on the herd in Hot Springs County Wyoming.
As he drives around he takes photos and sends them to me.
An audience of 1 is not enough.
That's why I'm sharing them with you.