Weird Facts About Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
An interesting fact that comes out of this look at the classic Sci-Fi movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind reveals that Spielberg originally wanted the movie to be a documentary about UFO sightings.
Only after the movie Jaws was Spielberg in a position to make whatever movie he wanted without question.
The film company agreed to the movie but hated the title. They didn't understand it.
Choices to star in the movie were people like Steve McQueen, But he turned the role down because he did not feel right for the role.
Others considered for the lead role were James Caan, Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, Jean Hackman, Robert De Niro and Jack Nicholson.
Richard Dreyfuss continued to nag Spielberg that he wanted the role and finally, Spielberg agreed. That was a good choice.
Watch the video below to learn more.
Watch for minor parts played by actors who would later become big names in the movie industry.
When the big model of the mother ship was made the creators had fun putting things in there like a tiny mailbox, a little R2D2, a small great white shark, a tiny VW bus, and even a graveyard, and many other fun items that your eye would probably never pick out even if you were sitting in the theater watching it on the big screen.
Spielberg worried that the movie did not have a good enough ending. They spent a lot of time rewriting it.
Over 300 different examples of music were sampled before Spielberg picked the famous 5 note music that the aliens used to communicate with Earth.
The mother ship is now on permanent display at the Smithsonian Institute Air & Space Museum in Virginia.
A few of the orgional alien drone ships are on display.
One of the orgional alien space masks sold for $1300 at auction.
An alien mask and body suit sold for $5800.
Devils Tower is still on display in Wyoming.
Do you want to see what landing at Devils Tower would have looked like from the Mother Ship?
Scroll down.
It's fun.
Devils Tower As Seen From The Mother Ship
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
Wyoming's Yard Of Nostalgic Oddities
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods