What State Hates Wyoming Most?
America is one big happy family, right? Sort of. Like any family there are problems, misunderstandings, and even hate.
So let's have a look at who hates who. Using this link you will see a map of the U.S. with a color-coded system as your guide.
Though the guide does not tell you why one state or region hate another, is does show you who dislikes who.
Visit this Fox News story and see that they found this very map on Instagram and took a deeper look into the rivalries. What might be most surprising is that Florida's least favorite state happens to be Florida. Really? Self loathing? What was not surprising was New Jersey's least favorite state is --- every other state.
The research comes from Matt Shirley of Los Angeles. Shirley polled his Instagram and was inundated with responses. With over 323,000 followers, that gives us a rather good sample.
"These were write-in votes so there weren't any options to choose from," Asbury Park Press. "Someone else asked me if I put that New Jersey hated everyone just because of the variety of answers I got and this wasn't the case. The most common answer I got from New Jersey folks was 'we hate everyone' or something similar."
So then what state or states hate Wyoming the most? What's interesting, when you look at the chart, Wyoming isn't mentioned. Once again it is as if Wyoming does not exist.
Well now, that's good news isn't it? Though I suppose no one hates Wyoming because they keep forgetting that Wyoming is here. That's just fine. Who needs to get into all that family squabbling anyway?
By the way, Wyoming hates California most of all.