There's a good chance that you thought your hometown was a big ol' snooze fest when you were growing up there and you may still think that.

Some towns are just boring and as you got older, you may've changed your outlook of the town. There were many small towns (and some big) that were nominated in our special 'Which Town In Wyoming Is The Most Boring' nominations and one was nominated more than the others.

Before the BIG reveal of #1 Most Boring Town In Wyoming, here are some of the honorable mentions

Riverton was nominated a few different times, but with 10,891 people, there is always something to do. Compared to the number one most boring town, Riverton is overflowing with excitement

Cheyenne was mentioned multiple times. I'm sure you can find SOMETHING to do in the Capital city. Museums, restaurants, parks, Frontier Days, movie theaters...not really boring.

Bairoil hunting, fishing, historical sites, wild horses and other wildlife, seems like a barrel of fun and excitement.

Lost Springs was in the running, but anytime you have a bar and a can find something to do.

Recluse sure the name of this town makes it seem like it's hidden away with nothing to do, but actually if you look at their Facebook page, seems like there's always something going on.

Elmo - There's no doubt that Elmo is small and it sure is close to the top, but not the most nominated boring town in the state.

The Wyoming town voted most boring in 2022

Bill, Wyoming.

The small map dot, sits between Douglas and Gillette on Highway 59. By far, Bill was the most nominated 'boring town' in our poll of Wyomingites.

Bill once was booming in the early to mid 1900's, then by the 1970's, it was reduced to just a small store. The map dot has been the home to a Union Pacific resting and crew changing spot since the 1980's. In 2008, Union Pacific was the driving factor behind a large hotel and 24 hour diner, which houses many railroad employees. Even though most guests at the hotel work for the railroad, it's open to all guest that may be passing through.

Not much else happens in Bill, the bar/store is closed, the community center is still there and Dry Creek school still has a few students that attend it. If you're ever passing through, you can bet those working at Penny's 24 hour diner are full of stories and good food.

Bill, Wyoming Is Most Boring Town In State, According To Wyomingites.

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