Why Did Wyoming Gas Prices Suddenly Spike?
On Friday gas prices across Wyoming were averaging $3.99 or around there.
Monday that number shot up to $4.10...?
We had another bump of around 1.7 cents on Tuesday. This story was written on Wednesday 05/04/22 and now the average is $4.14 per gallon.
The highest gasoline in Wyoming on Tuesday was in Jackson at $4.78 per gallon. The low price leader was at Gillette’s Sinclair Station at 802 E. 2nd St., which was selling gas for $3.86 per gallon. (Cowboy State Daily).
We are up to $1.21 per gallon from one year ago.
Prices were doing down for a little while. There was hope. What just happened here?
Well, as we switch from our winter blend of gas to our summer blend, there is usually a spike. That's part of the reason.
If you are thinking that things have never been this bad, you would be wrong. When we look at prices we have to adjust for inflation.
According to Tim Mandese, who is tracking Wyoming gas prices for Cowboy State Daily:
We have a way to go before reaching the U.S. average price record high since 1998 of $3.70 in 2012, which, when adjusted for inflation, is $4.69 per gallon today.
Tim's articles have a daily breakdown of prices across the state if you want to see all the numbers.
Also, we really don't have it as bad here in Wyoming as most other states. Our Wyoming prices may not be the lowest in the country, but they are nowhere near the highest, or even the average.
You DO NOT want to live in Californian - for many reasons. But just looking at their gas prices, much of their state is close to $6.00 a gallon.
New York, New Jersey, and Illinois are not far behind California.
I hope that makes you feel a little better about the current gas situation and where you live.
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