In Wyoming, we often think of how much money coal, gas, and oil bring into our government revenue. That has been the main source of funding.

But there are a few other sources that are significant and worth looking at.

Wyomingites own more guns per capita than other states. That's a lot of guns being sold and a lot of ammunition.

So how much tax revenue do Wyoming gun sales bring into the state?

Turns out we rank 33rd, nationwide, in how much money a state gets from gun sales. That number may seem low, but it is mostly because of Wyoming's low population.

Guns sales in Wyoming account for a total of 3,672 jobs in Wyoming - 2,102 in firearm and ammunition manufacturing, sales, and distribution, and another 1,570 in supplier and ancillary industries - the 18th fewest among the 50 states.

Inside ABQ Guns Store As Debate About Gun Ownership Continues
Bloomberg via Getty Images

The gun industry in Wyoming paid an average wage of $45,749 in 2021 and generated an estimated $39.0 million in federal business tax revenue that year.

Working for a gun manufacturer or in sales, the money is not bad.

The gun industry contributed to $688.7 million in output in Wyoming in 2021, the 18th lowest amount among states.

Let's Lay Out The Numbers

Total gun industry output, direct & indirect; 2021 in billions of dollars = 0.69 3.

Total industry employment, direct & indirect; 2021 = 3,672.

Average industry wage = $45,749.

Industry fed. business tax generation; 2021 in millions of dollars = $39.

Here is Steve Lee singing his song I LIKE GUNS:

Guns in Wyoming are purchased for many reasons. No just hunting. Some buy guys for sport shooting, mostly targets. Some for home protection. Some folks just love owning guns because - well - they like guns.

According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Americans bought roughly 18.5 million firearms in 2021, the second-highest purchase in a year. That number is down just slightly from the record-high 21 million in 2020.

Shooting Black Powder In Wyoming

SEE: 39 Hot Cars On Display In Wyoming

The goal of this gallery is not to provide every detail of every car, their modifications and their owners.

This was just a cool car show in Casper Wyoming.

Not matter if the people attending were into cars or not.

There was a lot of OHHH and AHHH's heard up and down every street.

Wyoming Has Polish MiGs for Ukraine

Not long after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the was talk of Poland giving Ukraine some of their MiG fighter planes.

Poland is now part of NATO. So they were willing to part with the older Russian planes for newer and more hi-tech Western planes.

For several reasons, the deal fell through. Ukraine will not get the planes.

HEY Ukraine!
If you're still interested, Wyoming has a few old Polish MiGs we would be happy to give you.

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