Newcastle High School students had worked hard on a project that was then loaded on a rocket, set for space.

NASA’s TechRise Student Challenge exploded shortly after takeoff.

This was to be a suborbital rocket. It was to scrape the edge of space for a short period of time then come back down.

There were 117 payloads of student projects and the unlucky number of 13 were selected for that rocket, including the one from Wyoming.

“It's pretty upsetting [and] really stinks that like given the nature of it, it's not possible to try again,” said Logan Wynia, a graduate of Newcastle High School that participated in the TechRise program. “But I'm focused on what, like where my future is headed, so, got to keep going, I guess.” (Wyoming Public Media).

The TechRise Student Challenge worked with 6th through 12th grades to design science experiments for space travel.

Newcastle Wyoming High School students worked on a small computer microprocessor that was only 4x8x8, in a small box.

The goal was to discover if cosmic radiation would scramble code entered by the students into the microprocessors.

We need to know how radiation affects computers if we are to push onto a moon base and Mars.

“[What] I did was some of the programming, and I learned to solder for this project,” he said. “Earlier that year [we] did a project requiring a geiger counter. So we used the same code for that geiger counter project, [and] kind of recycled it and made it fit with what we needed for the TechRise project.”  (WPM).

Wynia is undeterred and is still planning to be an astronaut.


Such disappointments like this are part of the risky business of space travel.

Students will learn to push past their disappointment and push on with their projects.

The Giving Hearts Of Meals On Wheels, Wyoming

There are people in your community that are stuck at home for various reasons.

They need help with food, and companionship.

In Laramie County Wyoming Meals On Wheels reaches out to them.

Best Wyoming Sports Moments From WyoPreps

If you're a fan of Wyoming high school sports, that probably means that you've played it, or have kids involved in local sports.

You'll also know the names of Frank Gambino and David Settle, who cover these local teams on your local radio stations across the state, and on WyoPreps, both the website and the app.

Here is a collection of the most memorable sports moments from WyoPreps from the past 12 months. From 2022 into 2023.

These photos were sent to WyoPeps by parents.

They were selected simply because they capture a memorable moment.

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