YEAH - YEAH - I know, you don't want to think of this yet. But WYDOT thinks this is a good time to get a jump on something we all know is coming.

There are some roads in Wyoming that are closed all winter, every winter. There are some roads that get so bad WYDOT just throws in the towel and closes the road until they can get to it.

But some people still need to get up those closed roads.

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In cases where people need to get home or to work, WYDOT provides wavers that say - "GO ON! Just as long as you realize it's all on you, buddy. You get stuck you are on your own." If you agree to that and sign the waiver, you're good. That waiver will also get out out of a ticket from the cops for running a barrier on a closed road.

To get those wavers now, before those big storms hit and you end up waiting in line to get your waver, go to the Wyoming Travel Authorization Program or W-TAP as they call it. USE THIS LINK.

Filling out the form now will save you a lot of trouble later.

Do us a favor while you are at it; if you have to use the form and run a barrier, take a lot of pictures and videos of your adventure. It does not matter to us if you get stuck or not. We just want to see your road trip through forbidden and treacherous territory.

NOT LIKE YOU NEED TO BE REMINDED - BUT - Some folks in Casper might remember the storm from last year that was so bad the snowplows just gave up for a time.

F Street Hill. WYDOT
F Street Hill. WYDOT

The Wyoming Department of Transportation suspended plowing operations in the Casper area due to overwhelming snow and lack of visibility, according to WYDOT's District 2 Facebook page.

"We've had several plows drive off the roadway due to limited to zero visibility," according to the website.

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All highways in the area remained closed all day and into part of the next day.

WYDOT also just announced it has closed U.S. Highway 26 between Casper and Glenrock, known as the Old Glenrock Highway.

In most cases, WYODT is talking about certain problem roads that are closed after almost every storm. You know what roads those are in your area.

These wavers also apply to sections of the interstate system in Wyoming that, as we all know, can be closed during some storms.

Snow Crushes Wheatland Wyoming Airplane Hangers

This row of hangars goes back many years. Some history was lost under a crush of snow.

March 21st, 2021. A record-breaking snowstorm had shut down most of Wyoming and was not yet done. Below is a gallery of photos as cleanup continues.

One of the small airports in Platte County, Wyoming is Phifer Airfield on Antelope Gap Road, east of Wheatland. Platte County has the Wheatland airport, along with one in Torrington and Guernsey. They were all shut down in the storm.

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