It's one thing to come across a bear up in the mountains, weaving back and forth between the trees.

It's not often we see one out in the open like this.

The dot you see in the photos below is of a black bear sighting, northeast of Cheyenne.

We are used to seeing bears in the hills and mountains.

They like hiding where there are trees and rocks.

But, now and then their noses follow the food source to places we don't often expect.

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In the video, which you can watch at this link, the bear seems to be spooked out of wherever it was hiding and is trying to run from the vehicle on the road.

This is a county gravel road.

There is some traffic back there, but not much.

Nothing is known about the size or gender of the bear.

We just know it's a black bear.

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It was spotted at the intersection of Co 222 & 136 in the Hillsdale area. Click on this link to see where that is on Google Earth.

There are mostly oil wells and ranches out there.

Locals are keeping an eye out for more sightings.

Some thing the bear in the video looks scared and they feel sorry for it.

Folks with livestock in the area are worried about what the bear is doing for food.

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There are 156 comments on the Facebook page where this video is posted.

At this time the video is about a week old.

Nobody has called Wyoming Fish & Game about it.

Let's remember that mountain lions have been captured inside the city of Cheyenne.

This is Wyoming, after all.

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Enjoy watching open-range bison, for free, with one of Wyoming's most famous mountains in the background.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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The Platte Bridge Company is committed to learning, teaching, preserving, and bringing history to life!

On the day these photos were taken the group was visiting Independence Rock and Devils Gate to learn about and honor those who had paved the way generations before.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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