Dirt Roads Only! You Can Cross Wyoming Without Ever Hitting Pavement
Wyoming is a big state, as far as landmass goes.
But with the lowest population.
So it should be possible to travel from one end of it to the other without diving on a single paved road.
Turns out, it's been done.
To do this we can make a rule that it's okay to cross a paved road. Some state and federal highways are going to get in the way. So this exercise won't be pure.
A couple of off-road bikers did it by driving across the bottom end of Wyoming.
That's a wise choice, considering the red desert area is a lot of open nothing.
Avoiding mountain ranges will be the toughest part of this.
You can see by their map above that there is no way their trip is going the be anything close to a straight line.
Their story is told on a website that includes pictures and videos of the trip.
At some point in your childhood, you may have played the “floor is lava” game. In case time has blurred the rules, they’re quite simple: Get across a room without touching the carpet, linoleum, or hardwood, because, well, the floor is lava. (Revzilla).
Their goal became to treat paved roads as lava.
As for Wyoming, the state has all the ingredients for a pavement-free excursion.
To play this game rules need to be set.
Since they are on motorbikes, and they don't want their tires to touch pavement they decided on an unusual solution.
Finally, we resigned ourselves to carrying the bikes across the road, awkwardly and with straining backs, which was another move we would repeat more times than we care to count. (Revzilla).
Finding a way across a big interstate will really be rough, but they managed to figure it out. More on that in a moment.
Driving or riding motorbikes on backroads will not be a fast trip. At times it will be very rough. That will eat into time.
Watch the biker's Wyoming adventure here.
Read their entire story at this link.
We fell short of our 120-mile goal for the day, covering just 90 miles before dusk fell and we decided to shelter from the wind beneath a wooden bridge. The next day was even worse; we made it just 36 miles before getting hemmed in by the lava field of Laramie. (Revzilla).
They threaded Interstate 80 by, eventually, finding a dirt road that went under an overpass.
Now they have to deal with mud, snow, and wind. If you know Wyoming you'll understand those harsh conditions.
Finally on the drier side of the mud. We don’t have any photos of the truly horrendous stuff, because we were too busy cursing and clearing crud from our jammed-up wheels to pull our phones out. (Revzilla).
When on a mission like this one must travel light and be prepared to work hard.
So imagine how hard it was for those who crossed in wagon trains, without any real roads at all.
True to the nature of Wyoming when they finally found the border sign on the other side of the state, there was a single bullet hole in it.
There should be a way to travel from Colorado to Montana on nothing but dirt roads.
Is there a way across the center or the top of the state?
It turns out they are not the only ones who have thought of the idea of traveling the entire United States on dirt roads only.
Here is a Youtube channel of a man I found who's doing just that.
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