Every so often we hear about some Wyoming tourists who followed their GPS a little too far.

GPS has the occasional problem in big cities.

Imagine how bad it can be in a state like Wyoming where it can be hard to get a cell signal.

This adds credibility to the claim that Wyoming doesn't exist.

Even satellites that map the Earth aren't sure that Wyoming is down there.

attachment-gps wrong wyoming

Here's a clue, if your GPS takes you down a road that makes you think of banjo music or you can imagine being attacked by Indians out there, STOP! It's wrong and it's leading you to your DEATH!

A few years ago a couple ran out of gas north of Devils Tower, driving some back gravel road to Montana. That's not even close to where they wanted to go. They were out of cell phone range and began to panic when their car sputtered to a stop. Thankfully a rancher was out there and stopped to see if they were okay.

Who knows where GPS will take you in Wyoming?

"Agnus, I think we might be in the center of the Earth."

"Nonsense Frank. This is obviously that mirror detention like in that episode of Star Trek."

Crop Circle

Be advised that Wyoming has two spaceports for intergalactic ships along with stories about bigfoot, time travel, and portholes into other dimensions.

If you think I'm kidding about all that then just look up Green River Intergallitic Space Port.

So, yeah, Wyoming GPS can take you to some strange places.

But maybe you're into that kind of thing.

If that's the case then stock up on supplies, you might be gone for years, though it will only seem like a second or two on this end, and have a good time.

Now, about that spaceport...

Farmer meets alien.
Getty Images

Many stories have been written about Wyoming's Green River Intergalactic Space Port.

The most recent one by Cowboy State Daily, titled:

Why The Heck … Does Green River, Wyoming, Have An Intergalactic Spaceport?

In past articles, I've pointed out that Wyoming has two spaceports. Don't forget Devils Tower.  The "documentary" Close Encounters Of The Third Kind is well known.

You can look up the Green River Intergalactic Space Port on any map.

But did you know you can look it up on a special map made just for pilots?

Look for that map, below, in this story.

Let's back up to see how this spaceport came to be.

Much like the invention of the Jackalope in Douglas Wyoming, which is now world-famous, the Green River Space Port was said to be an interplanetary humanitarian effort to save potential lifeforms on Jupiter.

The planet was being bombarded by the remnants of a comment at the time.

What began as tongue-in-cheek by the local city council is now officially recognized on aeronautical charts.

Yeah, that's right, the FAA has a sense of humor.

Then again, anyone from Jupiter is welcome, for real.

Just, nobody from the giant planet has taken them up on it.

This odd-looking map below is called a Sectional Chart. It's used by pilots.

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Let's zoom in to the Green River area to see what the FAA has named that little dirt and gravel strip locals call the  Green River Intergalactic Space Port. 

You notice an airport identifier of 48U. Not really a clever name. It just helps pilots to find it when using electronic maps or planning a flight.

Cheyenne's airport identifier is KCYS. Casper's is KCPR. The Rock Springs airport is identified as KRKS.


What's that written above 48U?

attachment-Map Space Port Wyoming

Well, I'll be....

Some years ago the FAA officially recognized that little green river airport as GREEN RIVER INTERGALACTIC.

Digging a little deeper into the official FAA listings, they do include SPACE PORT in their write-up. They just did not care to write it all out on the map, to save space.

So, there you go, It's official.

The only officially recognized Intergalactic Spaceport on Earth.

Devils Tower As Seen From The Mother Ship

If you've see the movie (documentary) Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, then you know what it looked like to see "The Mother Ship" descending down to Devils Tower.

But what did it look like from the Mother Ship's point of view?

We don't have any actual photos from the Mother Ship

So we recreated the scene using Google Earth and one Nasa Photo.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Medicine Bow Wyoming Road Art

There is a strange mind at work in Medicine Bow Wyoming.

Someone who is disturbed, yet having a lot of fun at the same time.

This person wants to share that fun with you.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods


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