I-25 Casper to Glenrock Will Be Slow Going All Summer
AH YES, road construction season is upon us here is Wyoming.
Don't complain.
You've been grumbling about the condition of certain roads and wondering when they were going to get to it.
So, thank them for finally getting to it.
There is a lot that needs to be done.
One big project this year is I-25, both north and south lanes, between Casper and Glenrock.
Rebuilding that area will take a while.
Sorry, but you'll have to get used to a reduced speed limit and one lane, going both directions.
The way around that construction is will give you a slightly faster speed limit and a great view.
Highway 87 runs along the Platte River between Casper and Glenrock.
It's a pretty drive and there will not be any bottle necks due to construction work.
That one stretch of I-25 is not the only section you'll have to worry about.
Also along parts of I-25 are bridges under repair.
So expect to have to slow down in several places this summer.
The work is needed. That is one part of I-25 in Wyoming that has been crumbling.
As much as we all want to get there smoothly and quickly there are times we have to be patient and wait, because of the repairs that need to be made to keep that road open.
Often when I say "north and south lanes," in that area, someone points out to me how that stretch of road travels east and west.
TRUE, but the I-25 is a north, south highway. That area is just a bend in the road.
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