Halloween is rapidly approaching and you may be ready to kick of the festivities. Trick-or-treating, Campfires and S'more making should be near the top of your list.

If you're looking for something fun for the entire family, Glendo State Park has a SWEET suggestion.

This year’s Halloween Trick-or-Treat Event might be the best (and tastiest) one yet… we will be adding a S’MORES station for all to enjoy! As always, this event would not be possible without our awesome local sponsors who graciously donate us the yummy treats that we hand out.


It should be a fun time for everyone, but it was almost a bust. Platte County had a fire ban in place, but luckily it was lifted this week. That means the party will go on as planned. 

When you're making s'mores, there really isn't a correct way to make them, so it's easy to experiment.

I know the traditional way of making a s'more is everyone's favorite and most common, but the sky is the limit. Imagine the surprise when you show up with a banana, graham crackers and marshmallows. You could show up with all the stuff to make s'mores, except you don't have Hershey chocolate bars, but you have a bag of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Maybe you're ditching the graham crackers and bring crunchy chocolate chip cookies.

We are in prime campfire season here in Wyoming, which of course means that we're in prime s'more eating season. Not much can beat the cool, crisp Wyoming air, with the aroma of a warm campfire and the taste of the sweetness of an outstanding s'more.

Here are some interesting new ways to try your s'more according to KOA campgrounds:

Awesome S'More Recipes For Your Wyoming Campfire

Camping Items List Using Name Initial



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