Snow And Fog Create Wonderful Wyoming Capital Scene
While heading back from work late Thursday night Wyoming artist and Photographer Tim Mandese drove by the state capital and saw something that made him stop.
A slight fog in the air.
Just a touch of snow coming down.
The capital has a refurbished gold leaf roof.
Spotlights turn upward to the dome.
He had to stop and take a picture.
The photo above is cropped.
The one below is not.
You can see the snow falling across the light beams near the roof.
The entire picture shows the lights crossing the golden dome and pushing skyward.
This site can be seen from the historic train depot and the other end of Capital Blv.
The dome of the capital can also be seen from Interstate 25.
A light snow fell throughout the night.
By morning the capital building and grounds had been covered in a fine white blanket.
The building was commissioned by the Ninth Territorial Assembly of Wyoming in 1886 in anticipation of the impending statehood of Wyoming. It was planned, designed, and constructed in three phases, namely in 1888, 1890 and 1917.
The Capitol is over 125 years old and has never had a comprehensive renovation.
After being closed for a four-year restoration and rehabilitation project, the Wyoming Capitol is now open for self-guided tours.
It is considered "The People's Building." That means no appointments necessary. Just walk in and roam around. If you are a Wyoming resident then this building belongs to you.
If you ask the right person at the right time you'll even get a guided tour way up in that dome.
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