Wyoming Threatens Lawsuit Over EPA Rule to Shut Down Powerplants
Wyoming's Gov. Mark Gordon threatened litigation over the federal government’s new rules for coal and natural gas power plants.
“We are prepared to apply our litigation strategy to the oncoming wave of federal regulatory actions that threaten Wyoming,” Gordon said.
Wyoming will probably join a list of states in the proposed lawsuit.
U.S. Senator John Barrasso says the rules "handcuff America's coal and natural gas production." Barrasso has called the new rules "outrageous", claiming
aathat they will shut down power plants and increase energy costs for families across the country.
"Wyoming energy jobs will be threatened, electricity bills will rise, and the country will be at risk for rolling blackouts."
WASHINGTON (AP) — Coal-fired and natural gas power plants would be forced to capture emissions or shut down under a rule issued Thursday by the Environmental Protection Agency.
New limits on emissions from coal and natural gas electric plants are the Biden administration’s most ambitious effort yet in its battle to shut down these facilities in what it sees as an effort to fight "climate change."
The rules are a key part of President Joe Biden’s pledge to eliminate CO2 from the electricity sector by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050.
The president had pledged to shut down all coal, gas, and oil production when he first ran for president.
The rule was among four separate measures targeting coal and natural gas plants that the EPA said would provide “regular certainty” to the power industry and encourage them to make investments to transition to wind and solar energy.
States are already involved in lawsuits over new EPA rules regarding coal and natural gas.
These new rules will bring a new wave of lawsuits from many states, including Wyoming.
EPA "rulemaking" is an attempt to write laws without going through Congress as the Constitution demands.
The Tate Geological Museum Casper Wyoming
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
The Largest Gun, Saddle & Oddity Museum In Wyoming
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods