This Is The WORST Time To Be A Wyoming Tourist
It's bison mating season.
Probably the WORST time to be a tourist in Wyoming.
It's bad enough that those big "fluffy cows" won't let you pet them or get a selfie during most of the year.
That means that these big guys are feeling "IT."
Their hormones are raging and they are feeling aggressive.
Picture a trucker who's spent too many months alone on the road and now he's at the local watering hole and has had too many beers.
In the video below a Wyoming bison runs from a long way off just to headbutt a car.
There are two things he wants.
He wants to (CENSORED) and he wants to FIGHT!
As far as fighting, he will take on ANYTHING.
Don't try to get around him in your car. He wants to fight your car.
By the way, you are not safe in your car. Rolling up the windows won't save you.
In the video below these tourists get caught in a stampede and suffer a crushed fender and headlights along with a broken windshield.
It's not only the bison that want some action this time of year.
Watch out for those bears and any other animal for that matter.
Many of them are feeling aggressive.
Even the ones that are smaller than you can kick your ass.
Watch this guy run a long way just to toss a young lady high in the air.
You might not believe me when I say that, but, trust me, don't test it.
On the other hand, if you are a Wyoming resident and you want some great pictures and videos of animals mauling stupid tourists, this is the best time.
That's because, during rutting season, these animals do more than just scare tourists off or knock them down.
If you've ever wanted a million hits on your social media, now is the time.
A Field Guide To Wyoming Tourist Types
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods
Laramie Peak Wyoming Bison
Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods