Why Would Anyone Need a .50 Cal. Pistol? (Stupid Question)
Christmas is only a couple of months away. WOW think about that a moment. What do you get for that special someone who has EVERYTHING?
Do they have a .50 Cal' PISTOL? I'm betting they don't.
So why would anyone need a .50 cal' pistol? I have a better question. What does "NEED" have to do with it? You get one because it's a FRIGGEN .50 CAL' PISTOL! I mean DUH!
Let's get the obvious out of the way right now; you're going to need both hands to shoot this thing and bullets are going to be expensive. OH, and loud. It's going to be really loud. You'll need earplugs.

The good news is that if you fire this thing at someone breaking into your house and you miss the BANG alone will be so loud it will drop him to his knees.
If the bullet does hit him it will be traveling at rather fast. How fast depends on what is behind that projectile.
Bullet mass/type Velocity Energy
655 gr (42 g) ADI 3,029 ft/s (923 m/s) 13,350 ft⋅lbf (18,100 J)
700 gr (45 g) Barnes 2,978 ft/s (908 m/s) 13,971 ft⋅lbf (18,942 J)
750 gr (49 g) Hornady 2,820 ft/s (860 m/s) 13,241 ft⋅lbf (17,952 J)
800 gr (52 g) Barnes 2,895 ft/s (882 m/s) 14,895 ft⋅lbf (20,195 J)
OKAY, so lets get to the videos on .50 cal' pistols. I know you'll want to see one or two in action. Here is a Desert Eagles demonstrated.
This next video is really stupid and hokey. BUT in it, you get to see a .50 cal' Glock. About 3 minutes into the video he finally stops acting stupid and gets down to the nitty-gritty of the gun.
OKAY THEN. Let's start hinting and get this bad boy in your Christmas stocking. They can wrap a big box of ammo under the tree.
The White Wolf Saloon, Douglas Wyoming
Hulett's Rogues Gallery Astounding Western History Collection
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