73-Year-Old Casper Woman Seeking Identities of Three ‘Angels’ Who Shoveled Her Walk
It happened again! Just last week we reported that four kiddos had volunteered to shovel their neighbors' walkways on Thanksgiving, just because "It was the right thing to do."

And now, perhaps inspired by that story, perhaps not, another group of people offered to do the very same thing for a woman they didn't even know.
A woman named Gina Brady took to Facebook to praise three men who volunteered to shovel her mother's walk and driveway.
"My husband was getting ready to go clear my parents driveway this morning," Brady wrote on Casper Classifieds. "I called my mom to let her know he would be on his way and she said there was no need because God sent her 3 angels. I am not sure who they were, but this morning, 3 gentlemen driving a black Chevrolet truck, saw my 73-year-old mom shoveling a path and they stopped and asked if they could help."
Naturally, the woman said yes.
"My mom took them up on their offer and all 3 grabbed shovels and cleared her driveway and walkways lickety split," Brady wrote. "She asked what she owed them and they told her 'Not a thing. Merry Christmas!' If you were one of the gentlemen who did this act of kindness for the lady on Long Lane, may God bless you twofold! Your kindness and generosity are overwhelming and beyond appreciated. Thank you hardly seems to be enough."
Because that's what Casper does. That's who Casper is. It's doing things just because they're "the right thing to do." It's seeing an older woman shoveling her walk and immediately jumping into action because, even though she's certainly a strong independent woman, sometimes three heads are better than one, and sometimes six arms are better than two.
Brady said that both she and her mother would like to know the identities of the men, even if to only tell them thank you one more time.
"All she can tell me is that these three gentlemen were in a newer black extended cab truck that was towing a utility trailer," Brady told K2 Radio News. "She's not sure of the type of truck and she said there were no business signs on it, but she's seen the vehicle in the neighborhood before."
Read More: “It Was the Right Thing To Do,” Casper Kids Spend Thanksgiving Shoveling Neighbors’ Sidewalks
She said that the three men and shovels with them and, upon seeing her mother, immediately got to work on her walkway and driveway.
"We are all just overwhelmed by the kindness they showed and we would love to figure out who they are so we can give them a proper thank you," Brady said.
If you are, or if you know one or all of those three men, reach out to Gina Brady. But even if you choose to remain anonymous, just know that your simple act of kindness really, truly impacted many people.
There are random acts of kindness, and those are great. But sometimes, somebody offers an intentional act of kindness, and that's exactly what this situation seems to be.
Casper agrees. Brady posted the story just a couple hours ago, and it already has almost 1,000 likes. There are numerous comments as well, which serve as a testament to the fact that these three men impacted more than just the woman they helped. They inspired an entire community.
"That's awesome, I love those acts of kindness," one woman wrote. "There truly are some wonderful people out there. Such a blessing!!"
Another woman stated that "Nowadays, people don't understand how far a little kindness goes a long way."
One man invoked his civic pride, writing that "That is why we live in Wyoming!"
Yet another person wrote that "There still are good people in the world! Nice to hear positive things instead of negative all the time."
And that's true for us, too. Working in news is hard sometimes. You are constantly inundated with sad stories, with angry stories, with scary stories. Whether it's a death, a car crash, a drug bust, books being banned, or something else entirely, constantly writing about these stories takes its toll. And that's why we're so quick to print stories like these. Because they show what this community is really about. And they prove that, more often than not, people are good. People are kind. People want to help each other. Stories like this are proof of that, and it's why we value them so much.
So thank you, three gentlemen. Your intentional act of kindness made a difference in this town.
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