Casper Vs. Gillette: Which Is A Better Town To Live In?
There are some fun and friendly rivalries between Wyoming towns. But, honestly, having lived in a few I can tell you that each one has its own charm and reasons why people love their Wyoming town.
So how do you know which one is best for you?
In the video below Casper realtor, Alisha Collins talks about the differences between Gillette and Casper.
The reasons for living in either would mostly have to do with what kind of work you do.
The people in Gillette make more money than the people in Casper. Gillette's median household income is around $73,000 a year, in Casper, it's about $60,000.
It's also cheaper to buy a home in Gillette than in Casper.
In general, the wages in Gillette are higher but the cost of living is lower.
Casper has over twice the population of Gillette and more job opportunities. Still, Gillette is Wyoming's 3rd largest city. Casper is the second largest city in the state.
Gillette is mostly a blue-collar town focused on the energy industry and ranching.
Casper is closer to the center of the state. One advantage to living there is that the very location allows residents less travel time to almost anywhere in Wyoming.
Casper has Casper Mountain, and the North Platt River running right through town.
Both have air service from their local airports. But Casper has more locations available to fly to out of their terminal.
Gillett's location is between the Big Horn Mountains and The Black Hills. So there is lots to do in a short drive if you live in Gillette.
Believe it or not, it rains more in Casper but it snows more in Gillette.
Politically, 72% of Casper is Republican. 87% of Gillette is registered as Republican.
You might think it would be winder in Casper, but Gillette actually wins the wind speed competition in terms of how many days out of the year see high wind speeds.
After taking into consideration wage, cost of living, and several other factors, the town you end up in might surprise you.