Cheney: Trump Bears ‘Significant Responsibility’ for Afghanistan
If we were to point a finger of blame for who is at fault for the sudden fall of Afghanistan, would you just point at the current president?
Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming was on the show This Week, on ABC where she also pointed the finger at former President Donald Trump for bearing a “very significant responsibility” for the unfolding situation in Afghanistan as the U.S. military withdraws.
Guest anchor Jon Karl asked, “Ultimately, this is President Biden’s decision. He is the one who called for this withdrawal, is going forward with it. This didn’t happen in a vacuum. It was President Trump who negotiated the agreement with the Taliban to have a complete withdraw that was supposed to have by May 1st. Who bears responsibility?”
Cheney answered, “Absolutely President Biden bears responsibility for making the decision. There’s no question that President Trump, his administration, Secretary Pompeo, they bear very significant responsibility for this. They walked down this path of legitimizing the Taliban, perpetuating this fantasy, telling the American people that the Taliban were partners in peace. President Trump told us the Taliban was going to fight terror. Secretary Pompeo told us the Taliban was going to renounce al Qaeda. The Taliban released prisoners across Afghanistan. There’s real concern they’re not just fighters in those prisons who will join the battle in Afghanistan, but the terrorists globally will be fed new soldiers for that fight. The delegitimization of the Afghan government — at one point, president trump said they would invite the Taliban to Camp David. ”
“On September 11,” asked Karl.
“Yes," said Cheney, "This disaster certainly began— look, the notion of we will end endless wars, that campaign slogan, what we’re watching in Afghanistan is what happens when America withdraws from the world. Everyone who has been saying America needs to withdraw well we’re getting a devastating, catastrophic real timeless lesson in what that means.”
Yet questions still remain for the Afghanistan military who never really put up a fight, even after two decades of training by the U.S. military. At what point were they supposed to take responsibility for their own country?