Crossover Voting Is Already WAY UP In Wyoming’s 2022 Primary
According to the local newspaper, the Cody Enterprise, nearly five times as many people in Park County have changed their voter registration through the first seven months of the year as compared to the last midterm elections in 2018.
Park County Elections Office staff are reporting that (56.4%) of the new Republicans registered in the county, or 594 voters, could be considered “crossover." What that means is that they were registered as something else before they arrived to vote.
The Cody Enterprise is reporting that from the start of the year through Friday, a total of 613 Park County voters have changed their political affiliation.
Not everyone would be switching from Democrat to Republican. There are many who are registered as independent, Libertarian or Constitution party.
This means that not everyone will jump parties just to vote for Liz Cheney. Some will jump to vote against her.
As of Friday, there were 17,537 voters in the county, including 14,509 Republicans (82.7% of the total). Those voters who have switched affiliation in the county to Republican account for about 4.1% of the party’s voters and 3.4% of the overall electorate. There are still 1,169 Democrats in Park County (nearly 6.7% of all registered voters) and 1,682 unaffiliated voters (9.6%). (Cody Enterprise).
The year began with 13,457 Republicans, 1,503 Democrats, and 1,862 unaffiliated voters registered in Park County.
Not every Democrat will crossover, but many will. Most of the unaffiliated will cross over. That means the unaffiliated might cancel out the Democrat crossover.
We will have to wait and see what all of this crossover voting will mean when the numbers finally come in. Tuesday, August 16th is the deadline.
In the meantime legislation to end crossover voting, which many see as unethical, is being rewritten for reconsideration in the next legislative session.