Fall Tempratures Come To Wyoming, Right On Schedule
A sneak peek at your winter weather forecast is in the video below.
It's been a cool summer here out west.
It's also been a wet summer, keeping our grasslands lush and green right up through fall.
That's unusual and nice.
Now we are feeling those September temperatures and storms, right on schedule.
For the next 10 days, September 10th through the 21st, temperatures will remain in the 60's to 70's, with mostly pleasant, partly cloudy skies.
There is a good chance of storms on Thursday as another front moves through the area, dropping our temperatures back down, once again.
These fronts don't come in with a lot of wind.
Just breezy, sunny, and nice.
Wear a sweater.
Nothing to complain about, really.
Again, that's unusual and nice.
We get so used to Wyoming winds and harsh conditions.
This spring, summer, and the beginning of fall might have spoiled us.
So what's this winter going to bring?
That's the big question.
Our man in Cheyenne, Doug Randle, recently published the following:
Cheyenne-based meteorologist Don Day Jr. says it looks like Wyoming and Colorado can expect another hard winter season for 2023-2024.
Day is the founder and President of Dayweather Inc. in Cheyenne.
In a podcast, Day says the two states, as well as western Nebraska and Kansas, can expect ''above average snowfall and near to above average snowpack." He also says winter weather will start earlier and continue well into the spring.
However, he also says that this winter probably won't be as severe in its intensity as last winter, saying this year's winter will be "a little bit of a different animal'' compared to last year. Temperatures last winter in the Cheyenne and Casper areas plunged to the - 20 degree range in December, January, and February. At one point last winter Riverton recorded an incredible -44.
Day cautions that all predictions are based on trends and are not written in stone. He also says that while an El Nino weather pattern will take shape in late winter and spring, some of the predictions of a "Super El Nino" may be overblown.
For what it's worth, the Old Farmer's Almanac is also predicting a cold winter for Wyoming this year.
Below is a video of Don Day's projections for the winter of 2023-2024.
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