It was around the time Melissa realized there wasn't enough room in her house for all of her refinished furniture projects that she decided she had a problem. Of course, the solution to that problem was to open a store in Downtown Laramie! Melissa Condon sits in her well-decorated shop right next door to Sweets Bakery, the door open and her children playing in the shop and on the sidewalk just outside.

Chalked and Polished opened during Jubilee Days and has been going strong since. The new addition to the furniture and decor scene in Laradise promises to be something different. "I know Wyoming loves rustic," Condon says with a laugh, "But my furniture is more modern and unique."

The shop offers chalk painted and milk painted furniture, unique decor, household items and best of all, it's all customizable. Melissa says she hopes to spread the chalk artistry further into the community, and that she's not greedy about her favorite hobby. "We'll start offering classes next month on basic chalk painting, we won't get into the too-complicated stuff."

Her favorite piece in the store, however, is one of those complicated things. A pastel pink armoire, it's been blended and finished with detailed in copper and rose gold and stands out in the colorful room. Chalked and Polished offers something for everyone, from the mother looking to document her child's school progression, to that couple just moving into together and looking for their perfect centerpiece item.

"Come by and check it out, I think you'll be surprised by what you find," Melissa says with a smile, and gets ready to help paint her daughter's nails in the breezy and open shop. It feels homey, and bringing a piece of it back to your home might be just the pop of color it needs.

Chalked and Polished is located at 207 Grand Avenue and is open for business.

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