Radio Caller Decribes Strange Lights Over Casper Mountain
Bob called from Casper, Wyoming about some bright lights he saw over Casper Mountain.
Normally, on Wyoming's only statewide morning talk show, we speak about politics and social issues.
The governor, mayors, and your Senators are important guests.
But, come on, there is NO WAY I'm going to turn down a UFO call from some old guy named BOB in Casper.
He said he took a bunch of photos and videos on November 12th between 4 and 5 AM.
Bob doesn't know much about how todays modern phones operate, so it took some time before we could take a look for ourselves.
You can listen to Bob's call right here:
I had a chance to meet Bob in person. He stopped by our radio studios to try and get some help getting those photos to us.
He's a nice old gentleman with a big sliver mustache and one heck of a stylish cowboy hat.
He's a bit hunched over, unable to stand straight up. But I can imagine that in his younger days, he stood straight and tall.
He stopped by again when Wake Up Wyoming producer Miss Mary was able to help him and she got those photos off of his phone so you could see them.
Here's the first photo that Bob took.
Perhaps a helicopter?
But what is that smaller light that Bob described? You can see it there.
Perhaps Jupiter and Saturn- which have been in the night sky shining bright or the past few weeks.
What do you think?
A cell phone is not the best device to take a photo like this.
But, then again, all UFO photos and videos seem to come out blurry.
Here is photo #2.
Maybe zooming in was not such a good idea. The photo gets pixelated and no longer looks like the shape it really is.
Still, we see two objects just like Bob described.
Follow this link to see an article by NASA, showing Jupiter and Saturn. It looks a bit like these photos.
That's my theory on what Bob was looking at.
What do you think?
There could be other explanations.
There are many towers up there on Casper Mountain.
Someone could have been camping up in Beartrap Meadow and using a drone.
How about somebody driving an ATV or side-by-side up at the top of the mountain with his lights on?
Or... it was an alien spacecraft.
You'll have to decide for yourself.
There have been other such UFO reports over Casper Mountain over the years.
Guy Shares Video of UFO He Saw on Casper Mountain from Beartrap
Thermal Imaging Camera Video Shows Weird UFO Flying Over Casper
There are many other lights on top of that mountain, from cars moving around to towers with lights to warn aircraft.
Both private and commercial aircraft fly right over that mountain at all times of the day and night.
Has anyone else seen any strange lights over Casper Mountain?
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