Possible 9th Wyoming 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County
More individuals and groups are approaching Big Horn County commissioners about becoming a Second Amendment sanctuary, according to The Greybull Standard.
There have been enough requests to talk about it that a listening session has been scheduled for 6 p.m. Monday, May 3 at the Weed and Pest building west of Greybull.
So far 8 Wyoming counties have declared themselves 2nd Amendment sanctuary counties. Big Horn County would be number 9 if a resolution passes.
Rep. John Winter, Sheriff Ken Blackburn, and Deputy County Attorney Jennifer Kirk participated in the discussion on April 20 that led to the commissioners agreeing to schedule the listening session. (Greybull Standard).
“I feel very strongly in this political culture right now that we need to make a strong statement in support of the second amendment,” said Sheriff Ken Blackburn. “I’ve been asked a lot what I’m going to do as sheriff when the people come for our guns. I’ve said I’m going to give them my name and address first and see how it goes from there.”
Kirk wrote a proposed proclamation for review. Blackburn commented that he thought it was good and would be a positive thing for the county to do.
At last count 7 Wyoming counties have declared themselves to be sanctuary 2nd Amendment counties in Wyoming. Fremont, Niobrara, Johnson, Hot Springs Campbell, Crook, and Sweetwater counties are now all on board. Hot Springs County brought that number to 8.
The Sheriff of Hot Springs County was more than happy to explain why. You can hear his interview at this link.
Wyoming soon might have an 8th county on that list. According to Cowboy State Daily Big Horn County is debating just such a resolution.
C.J. Duncan, the mayor of Big Horn County’s seat in Basin, brought the idea to county officials. He said he is concerned that what he sees as an anti-gun sentiment is becoming more prevalent throughout the country may threaten the rights of law-abiding citizens. (Cowboy State Daily).
Mr. Duncan worries about too strong of a resolution causing federal backlash. But the Sheriff of Hot Springs county has a slightly different take. “I will make it very clear that if the feds were to come to Hot Springs County to take your guns, we would expel them,” said Kraushaar. “We had the issue before with the BLM. They backed off once they started. So, hopefully, it never comes to that.”